
The Firm-those bastards

I did a strength training workout yesterday by the Firm and let me tell you something sisters-I cannot move today. This is no joke. I am walking around my house like Frankenstein's Monster trying not to bend my legs because when I do my thighs revolt by just giving up and then I fall down. This is no joke. I want to kill all of the video's smiley happy perky women in their matching lavender workout clothes. And then I want to spill spaghetti sauce all over their pastel sports bras just because-who wears pastel sports bras like they are real clothes? Because let me tell you something ladies, they are NOT. Ok, I am going to go take an epsom salt bath now. I will catch up with you later. love love.

1 comment:

  1. Those Bitches! haha. Well, don't overdo the work out. Take it slow girl. I am back to Jazzercise and loving it, but lots of aches and pains as well.
